Calm Confident and In Control Programme

REWIRE your mind, to move past the old issues and beliefs

When you are calm, confident and in control you become your own cheerleader, and feel proud of what you achieve.

If any of this sounds familiar...

  • You spend more time than you care to think of feeling like you are just not good enough...
  • You are filled with self-doubt and worry that you might be 'found out' because you don't believe you could possibly be good at your thing...
  • Feel guilty or ungrateful for wanting more, because you have so much to be grateful for.

If it does, then you already know how exhausting it can be trying to just get through the week

The thing is on the surface everything should be fine - but in reality,  you just want to hide away in your safe space.

You crave a calmness that you don't seem to be able to find because your head is so busy.


Your worries and anxieties are more than just thoughts in your head, you feel them in your body - that tightness in your chest, the heaviness in your stomach.


You are overwhelmed, but working & busy-ness is like your safe haven, where you can avoid all the other emotional chaos going on inside of you


What is this week going to throw at you!?

Thankfully, that can all be put behind you...

Imagine what it would be like if you could just get out of your own head and press that pause button, so that you could change how you are feeling in a way that gives you more time and energy.

  • So that you could have a clear head and think straight for once.
  • So that you could soothe those negative thoughts and leave the past in the past.
  • You could stand by your decisions and feel confident in your choices instead of second-guessing yourself.
  • You had tools and skills at your disposal to cover you in almost any situation when you feel less than enough.

And all of it is EASY to do


Introducing the Calm, Confident and In Control Programme.


The programme where you get to retrain your brain in a way that leaves you feeling empowered to take charge of yourself in the way that truly matters.

It's 6 weeks where you clear out the old beliefs that make you feel rubbish and decide what should be there instead.

It's about you creating a new foundation of thoughts and feelings that stand to support you in your life so that you can live in the way that you deserve.

These 6 weeks will make a difference to your self-confidence, belief and esteem.

Commit to yourself, show up, do the work and you can expect to:

Emotionally Detox And Immediately Take The Edge Off

Release the built up stress and tension that is in your mind and body.

Get rid of all the 'stuff' that you don't need so that you can clear space so that you have more clarity and room to install new beliefs and behaviours quicker.

Feel Good On Purpose

Create a way to connect with your body so that you can feel better on demand. This is one of your key skills to reprogramming your nervous system and resetting the things that set off your anxiety in the first place.

Get To Know The Real You

Identify your real core values so that you can set boundaries that make you really, truly happy. Get comfortable saying no, so that it can be as valuable as your 'Yes'

Acknowledge Your Success

This is where you get to celebrate you. You'll get to demonstrate to yourself just how capable you are and be able to stick that belief right where it needs to be, so that you can build a sense of accomplishment, free of guilt or worry that you'll become arrogant like the people you can't stand.

Putting It All Together

Take your ability to manage how you feel to a whole new level so that you can genuinely feel better properly, and also ensure you have time for all of the important things in your life.

A Future That Is Bright And Beautiful

Fully cement in your new abilities to be calm, confident and in control in your life in a way that feels good for you.

By the way, I'm Kirsty, and I've been helping hundreds of successful women just like you, around the UK, Europe and USA since 2014, through 1-2-1 sessions and masterclasses to overcome self-doubt to find their inner confidence and help them to feel calmer and in control of themselves, their emotions and their boundaries.

I know how it feels to be exhausted from a busy mind, and non stop thoughts. I’m a home ed mum, business owner and wife and I don’t have time or energy to be wasting on not being able to be present because my body is one place and my mind is in another.

Having spent life going against the grain, being bullied and taken advantage of over and over again, being the quiet one with no friends because I was too afraid to speak up. I have learned how to reprogram my brain to believe in myself to build a successful business, move to a new town and find a feeling of belonging.

I am on a mission to help you believe in yourself, your abilities and your place in the world.

Because you should be able to take care of yourself and protect yourself from the not-so-nice people that you encounter.

You should be able to believe that you are worthy and that you are deserving of happiness, and success without feeling guilty because you have dreams.

Kirsty Calm confident and incontrol programme


Real People Feeling Different


Having tried hypnotherapy before, I was surprised at how much easier it was do to it with Kirsty. She really put me at ease and made me feel very comfortable right from the very beginning.

Kirsty's instructions are very natural and really easy to follow. I was surprised at how effective it was even working online. In a way, it was almost easier as I could flop into my own sofa without having to think about where I was.

I feel so much lighter and clearer after working with Kirsty. I especially recommend it if you don't want to wade through your problems in words. This work is super effective and efficient.


I felt at ease with Kirsty from the moment I met her. I was feeling very insecure, vulnerable and anxious. She has helped me find my old self. I feel far more confident, capable and am enjoying life again. You have given me back my love of life. Thank you Kirsty.


After my sessions with Kirsty, I feel confident, in control and really positive about the future for the first time in a long time. Kirsty made me feel at ease and I enjoyed my sessions with her.

We Start Together on 10th JUNE 2024

Because the rest of this year things are going to be different for you.

If you are ready to make a change that will last,

click to join TODAY for £299 - Payment plans are available

Note - This is my BETA price. This is the programme I have been running individually with my 1-2-1 clients for years and I know it works.

Now I'm running this as a group option for the first time ever.

Not sure if Calm, Confident and In Control Is For You??

The Calm, Confident and In Control Programme is NOT for everyone,

and I'd rather help you figure out if this is not right for you BEFORE you join,

rather than waste your time. So let's not mess around...

Who The Programme Is For:

 ➡ Women only - sorry chaps. This is about feminity and vulnerability and currently, it's a penis-free zone. I'll see in the future how this programme evolves.

 ➡ You are ready to work with me. This isn't about me doing it for you it's about us, doing this together. You get out what you put in.

 ➡ You want to take control of all the things that have been stopping you, and reprogram your brain to believe in yourself

 ➡ You are ready to stop pretending, and hiding behind the mask that you need to have to keep up appearances

➡ You know that it is time to stop ending the day exhausted from overthinking and thoughts that just won't stop

➡ You massively let fear hold you back and give weight to other people's opinions so you've not pursued your goals


Who The Programme Is  NOT For

 ➡ Someone looking for everything to be done for them, you need to take ownership of your own journey, participate and implement.

 ➡ Someone who can't be bothered to show up for themselves and do something differently. If you secretly enjoy wallowing this is not the place for you.


What happens inside the programme?


I get it, you're fed up being that shouty version of yourself when you're stressed, and you value honesty, integrity and clarity.

So lets clear things up with an honest look at the programme.

The Live Sessions

Come and join the live sessions with me every Monday at 8 pm. Yes, they are recorded so you can watch them back, or catch up if you get delayed from joining live.

Subconscious Reprogramming

Reprogram your beliefs and work on your mindset using my powerful hypnotherapy. This will support you building those new beliefs and installing them where they should be. You can listen to these every day to turbo charge your success.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Learn EFT and how you can adapt it to suit you and your goals.

Self Hypnosis

You'll be able to craft your own plans for self-hypnosis once you learn my super simple way of achieving the right state to be able to customise your time to suit your goals.

Settle Your Nervous System

Using my simple methods to reset your nervous system so that you can soothe your way out of the fight, flight, freeze or fawn.

Structured Approach

Create your own personal structured approach to your life so that it suits you, and supports you in the best possible way so that you can move forward feeling more in control.


Real People Feeling Calm, Confident and In Control

Jazmin: After a very traumatic experience in my life I was suffering with acute anxiety, I was losing control of my life and was scared of where I was heading. Kirsty honestly changed my life, she gives you the tools to move forward and keep yourself in stable and loving place. My life has changed for the better since, I am on a journey and feel stronger since working with Kirsty. I also know I can go back to her anytime if I need additional help.Thank you Kirsty.

Andrea: I have suffered with anxiety and other factors affecting my day to Day life for many years. I was very sceptical however I absolutely adored it! Kirsty was so soothing. Calming and professional!

Claudia: Hypnotherapy isn't a magic wand, but Kirsty was able to open my mind to achieve just what I wanted to. She made me realise that if I want anything enough, my mind can help me achieve it. I look forward to a healthier and happier life thanks to Kirsty, and would recommend her to anyone who wants to better their health. She is very professional, but immensely and understanding


Hopefully this answers your questions, but if not reach out.

How does this work?

Every Monday at 8pm there is a live session with me (Kirsty, in case you forgot!) We will go through one of my powerful methodologies that we will be able to use together and going forwards by yourself to help you through the week. It will support the topic of this particular week.

There is access to an online portal so everything is all in one place - you are able to comment and as questions inside of the portal so you can talk to me whenever you need to. As this is BETA I'm waiting to see if you want a Facebook community aswell. We'll talk about that when you join :-)


Is there a replay of the live sessions?

Yes. Every live session will be recorded and you will have access to this via a portal where you can keep all of the videos, audios and handy workbooks that are included to keep in one place. Nothing gets lost!

What makes you qualified to run this?

I am a certified clinical hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. Alongside those skills, I have further educated myself in the fields of EFT, Breathwork and hypnotic coaching, as well as other alternative complementary practices so that people can learn to truly help themselves. I have been working with mindset and personal development for a daceade and have helped hundreds of people harness the power of their mind and reconnect with their body to show up for themselves.

I have applied my years of knowledge helping women who have these same problems and combined them into this 6-week programme to truly give you the very best opportunity for making yourself feel proud. Your success is my success.

Why is this so cheap?

I want this to be a no-brainer for you. We have had the toughest time over the last few years and this is the first time I am running this as a group programme. I know this can help you, and you deserve to feel better and think better about yourself, funds shouldn't get in the way of you doing that. There is also a 2 step payment plan available to make it even easier.

I have another question!

You can absolutely reach out and message me here.

click to join TODAY for £299 - Payment plans are available

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 Calm Confident and In Control Programme
 £299.00 GBP
 Calm, Confident and In Control Programme 2 Pay Option
 £150.00 GBP  ( then £150.00 GBP for 1 months )

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